Toddler Room

Toddler Program

We Provide Quality Care for Our Toddlers Including Developing Small and Large Motor Skills 

Toddler — Toddler Room in Bloomington, MN
The toddler program at Rainbow Montessori Academy is committed to promoting quality care for children 16 months to 33 months. Our Toddler Room teachers love to read, sing, and do sign language with the toddlers as they teach basic Spanish, colors, shapes, numbers, letters, and flashcards. The teachers also provide time for making art projects, developing small motor skills (e.g. playing with musical instruments, working with puzzles, and coloring), as well as developing large motor skills (e.g. walking, galloping, skipping, and dancing).


We Help Toddlers Develop Practical Skills 

Toddler Care — Toddlers Playing in Bloomington, MN
Rainbow Montessori Academy sends a daily report home each day with information such as how well your child ate, how often a diaper/pull-up was changed, and nap times. Manners like please, thank you, or taking turns are introduced to show appreciation for listening or waiting. We offer toilet training for toddlers who are developmentally ready. A music teacher comes weekly to teach the toddlers songs for the bi-annual concerts in the spring and winter, where toddlers get to perform for their family. In this classroom, the toddlers are introduced to the Montessori Method. They work on carpets, clean up their work area, and group circle time.

For more information, or to sign up your toddler, call us at 952-888-8052, or visit the Academy at 8736 Nicollet Avenue South, Bloomington, MN.
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